Patented products Eliminate All forms of the Coronavirus in under a minute!
Providing you truly effective health protection and the best IAQ Indoor Air Quality Solution
Do you have Mold concerns?
Breathe Easy With Migizi
Provides Certified Treatments for all types of homes, vehicles and commercial spaces.
Truly effective health protection and the best IAQ Indoor Air Quality Solution that eliminates contaminants of any size, anywhere.
Leaders in the provision of health & safety products and services!
Measures that contribute to a healthier and safer world!

Did you know most indoor mold growth actually starts in winter months due to condensation on windows and inside wall cavities? Migizi Purification Systems are Certified Treatment Specialists for a Revolutionary Health Protection Program, Purifyd®Systems keeps your family safe where you work, live and travel.
This system eradicates environmental and biological threats and is completely safe for you and your environment.
Keeping you safe from Allergens, Harmful Bacteria and
life threatening Toxic Molds.
Providing you truly effective health protection and the
Best IAQ Indoor Air Quality Solution available today!
It is EPA and Health Canada Registered.
Contact us today to book your
preventative treatment program!
1. We first do a ATP Test to measure the degree of
contamination with a mobile lab luminometer
2. We then apply Purifyd® respecting a precise protocol by fogging all
areas including the air handling system.
3. The product is killing any toxic contaminant on Surfaces and in the Air. Leaving behind a protective barrier that deters bacterial and mold growth.
4. The application takes approximately 15 minutes to half hour depending on size of area and then there is a 15 min wait time.
5. We then do a final APT test to measure the degree of contamination again and certify the area as safe .

Our Certified Specialists use Purifyd®Systems products because they eliminate with the utmost effectiveness and certainty of results the build-up of environmental contaminants and biological pathogens that continually occur on surfaces and in air handling systems,
inside the living spaces in which people live, work and travel.
Peace of mind in times that you need it!
“ We selected PURIFYD SYSTEMS as our partner in Training and Certification in the prevention, elimination and management of contaminants everywhere we treat homes, vehicles and spaces… in which we live work and play” – Robert Peltier
MIGIZI PURIFICATION SYSTEMS are Certified as Treatment Specialists by -

Migizi Purification Systems is a First Nation Initiative and Business. We are the Exclusive First Nations Provider in Canada.
We are passionate about delivering affordable and reliable Triple Threat Health Protection for First Nations Communities.
We provide products and equipment to aid in your communities Health Protection to meet today's and tomorrow's needs
We don't have to tell you but for the record Repeated exposure to toxic mold, pathogens and viruses cause serious health issues.
Using our Certified Treatment Specialists from
Migizi Purification Systems will
increase value and peace of mind.
Providing you truly effective health protection and the best IAQ Indoor Air Quality Solution available today!
We Provide Certified Treatments for all types of homes, vehicles and commercial spaces.
Prevent mold build up over the winter in air handling systems and living areas

Treat Spring & Fall each year to eliminate any contaminates, ongoing.

ATP Spot tests before and after to provide evidence
Lets work together to develop a Health Protection Program that is right for you.